Air Conditioning on the Frits: How to Find Credible Technicians

While having air conditioning is essential in many parts of the country, it is necessary to have an HVAC specialists number in your back pocket if your unit ever malfunctions. As is typical with any machinery, HVAC systems require routine inspections and adjustments to ensure the longevity and dependability of the equipment. However, while you may agree that maintaining your system is appropriate, finding a technician that you can trust is not always easy.

Proof of Certification

While there are several air conditioning companies Tampa FL, one good way to verify their experience and expertise is to ask for proof of certification. Every service technician, no matter the field, is required to be certified, trained and licensed. While there are different regulations across the country that vary state-by-state, licensing and certification typically do not. There are independent certifications, like the NATE certification, that helps consumers understand the qualifications of their future technicians; however, the best way to verify is to ask for proof.


Referrals are an excellent way to find a reputable and established company. Outside of a company’s website, you can find reviews on other sites that are nonaffiliated, meaning that they are nonbiased. Also, talk to friends and family to see if they have a suggestion. The idea is to find a trustworthy source for a recommendation and to find actual accounts of a company’s work and history. While many services aim for honesty, it is difficult to trust the word of a contractor that you have no previous interactions with. Trust your gut and find a source you are comfortable with to provide you with feedback and information.

Home Inspection

Home inspections are the key to understanding any HVAC company. During these visits, you can experience the company’s understanding of customer service as well as how knowledgeable they are. Prepare several questions before the appointment. Make sure to also ask about the efficiency of your equipment and whether performing any minor upgrades may qualify you for any rebates. These conversation starters allow you to see if a technician cares about your understanding of the work to be done. You want a company that values not only quality but also your peace of mind. Therefore, during the inspection gauge your comfort level as well as the attentiveness of the technician.

HVAC systems are like any other piece of machinery and therefore require upkeep. As a consumer, it is best to look for competent technicians with a positive reputation who put your needs and understanding above their own financial gains.

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Matthew Okafor