After your home has been hit with a disaster, the last thing you want is to endure more stress from situations that should alleviate your concerns. Without a private adjuster to handle your insurance claims, that is exactly what you might encounter. Insurance companies are in business to save money, even if it means not giving you a fair settlement. This insurance professional works on your behalf, not for the insurance company, to assess damages and determine how much it will really cost to repair your home. He or she becomes your advocate and will take over the hassle of negotiating with a stubborn insurance firm until your homeowner’s claim is settled.
When You May Need to Hire an Adjuster For some people, the time to hire someone to handle an insurance claim is immediately following a disaster. They are not interested in dealing with the claims process and would rather entrust that to a professional. Generally, if you believe your losses are at least $10,000 or more, hiring an adjuster could be very beneficial. Your circumstances and whether the insurance company seems willing to act in fairness to settle your claim are also major factors. If the adjuster for your insurance carriers is slow to return calls or never answers your questions; you may want to get representation from an industry expert.
A person who knows what to look for in terms of damages to your home will bring that experience into how they advocate for you with the insurance company. Best Ways to Find a Good Adjuster for Your Insurance Claim good place to begin your search for an adjuster is on the National Association of Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA) website. To be a member, adjusters must go through a vetting process, which includes being licensed and in business for a minimum of two years. Previous clients and word-of-mouth referrals are ways for you to personally vet who you wish to hire. Since having a license in the industry does not guarantee you are hiring the best adjuster, hearing about their actual work and results can build your confidence in their services. A quick check with the department of insurance in your state can provide additional information such as complaints filed and how they were resolved. Expect to have someone who will assess your losses and work to ensure you receive every penny that your claim is worth. Insurance companies are not moved to agree on everything, even with someone who speaks their language. Still, it is good to know someone is speaking for what is best for you.