The Number One Renovation for Adding Value to Your Home

One renovation tops most lists for adding value to your home — renovating the kitchen. However, if you are considering updates before putting your home up for sale, you don’t need to invest a lot of money. You can get more information here.

Inexpensive Kitchen Updates

A fresh coat of paint in an updated color palette is one of the least expensive changes you can make. Changing the handles on the cupboard doors and the faucet on the sink are other inexpensive updates. If your cupboard doors look worn, replace them instead of replacing the cupboards. If you have a ceiling mounted lighting fixture, update the globe, or replace the fixture with a more modern style that provides more illumination. Replacing the splashback with a more updated look is also a relatively quick and inexpensive way to update the look of your kitchen.

More Expensive Updates and Renovations

Because kitchen renovations are the number one way to add value to your home, you may want to invest a little more money. Before any other upgrade you may have seen discussed, consider one very basic issue — the traffic flow in your kitchen. The most efficient workflow pattern is the traditional triangle between the refrigerator, the oven, and the sink and dishwasher. You should be able to move from one of these areas to the others freely with no obstacles in the way. A kitchen island may create useful counter space or offer a useful extra sink or cooking surface, but its location should not disrupt the traffic flow between the three main work areas in the kitchen. If it does, move it to another location.

After establishing an efficient workflow in the kitchen, upgrading to energy efficient, stainless steel appliances is the number one recommendation on most lists. Installing stone or granite countertops comes in a close second. Another renovation to consider is adding a window to the kitchen, if possible, to allow more natural light into the area. To update the look of your entire home, consider opening up the kitchen area by removing a non-weight bearing wall or half wall between the kitchen and the living area. However, always consider how the renovations you plan harmonize with the style of your home. Inadvertently creating a jarring mismatch could actually interfere with your efforts to sell your home.

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Matthew Okafor