Handling your storm drainage needs

If you live in an area that sees heavy amounts of rain throughout the year. Then you are aware of the damage that storm water can do to road surfaces. Especially when it comes to unimproved roads, which can be seen above. Even surfaces made of concrete or asphalt cannot escape the damage done over time by excess water. Creating puddles and pot hole over time, affecting our ability to drive anything on those surfaces. But, what can we do to combat such issues as these?

The answer to this question is quite easy. Finding a paving surface that has stormwater management capabilities. There is a company that is in the business of doing just that. Truegrid, a company that specializes in alternative paving methods. Have designed a paving method that can combat with excess water.

By constructing a surface that allows water to pass through it and let it be absorbed into the ground, unlike traditional methods. Because when you elect to utilize concrete or asphalt, you are simply covering the ground, to provide a stable road. So, when you face an excess amount of water, it tends to just sit on the surface of these roads. Making it slick and hazardous to drive on. This water also begins to erode the surface, while collecting grime and dirt.

When it comes to the permeable roads that Truegrid has design, you will not face these problems. The reason is in its approach, which can be seen in its base structure. Incorporating recycled plastic, the grid like structure is comprised of small circular cups, which resembles plant pottery. Coming in various sizes, to fit any type of job. These cup like structures are meant to house a variety of filler materials. Such materials include, dirt, sand, and gravel, just to name a few.

When installed, the filler material will be poured on and reinforce the base. But, because you are using loose materials, water is able to penetrate the material and drain underneath it, through a hole at the bottom. The cups also maintain the structural integrity of the road. Keeping any material housed in the unit, preventing it from moving around and helping build support from one another. This is where the functionality of the design shines. Another byproduct of this method, is that it also absorbs heat in the dryer months. Simply due to the fact that the sun is not heating up a large concrete slab, which can radiate heat for hours after the sun goes down. The last point I want to touch upon, is the life span, most pavement methods can see up to fifteen years, while True grid design, can last up to sixty.

Now if you are looking for a cheaper alternative to paving and are concern about storm water. Permeable pavements can provide the solution that you call for. Reducing the impact that the environment can have on road surfaces, while combating the hazardous conditions that can accompany it as well.

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Matthew Okafor