Things to Look out for When Purchasing Shades for Home

Shades have been an important aspect to a home. It would not be wrong to suggest that prior to making an important decision to buy shades; you have to consider various things. Choosing Denver Shade Company would be your best bet. Find below some of the things to consider before actually buying shades for the home.

Shades for Home


This might entail hiding a wire behind existing furnishings and plugging into an existing outlet or tapping a local outlet. This would be done to make power available at the motor location. Depending on the size of the window to be covered and the size of the shade required, this might involve high or low voltage power.


Use of room

In case, a room has been bathed in light and used frequently, the shades would need to be raised and lowered frequently. It augurs for a convenient solution such as motorization. Bedrooms and media rooms have specific, frequent lighting and privacy needs. Motorized window shades are often called for.

Use of room

Location of sun relative to the room

Depending upon their exposure, most rooms have large windows that would not receive much direct sunlight are not used for sleeping. Privacy is not a concern and hence, shades might rarely be raised or lowered. Motorized window shades might not be needed in these locations.

sun relative to the room

Child safety

Every year, a surprising number of deaths and injuries result from control cords for manual window shades. Since cords have been obviated with automated control, this could be a very strong rationale for motorized window shades in children’s rooms. In addition, frequent use and naps during the day along with timers for scheduled wake ups are factors.

control cords for manual window shades


Given the advent of reliable Radio Frequency technologies, control for shades has been made flexible. Wall Switches or remotes could be used, both of which have the ability to be wireless. Usually, control in each room should be independent. Beyond that, controls could be programmed to enable for all the shades in the house to raise or lower from one button. Control that has been integrated with home automation or lighting control systems has been quite popular. This would mean that the shades have been controlled by the remote or touch panel of the overall home or lighting control system rather than the standalone shade control.

standalone shade control


Installation warranties of one year from the window treatment company that installed the product should be provided. This implies that in the first year of operation, if anything goes wrong, there should not be any service fees. This has been important, as it is in the first year that any problem would typically occur.

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Matthew Okafor