Tips for repairing gas leak in AC

If you are reading this article you have chances whether you have any problems with your air conditioner more specifically with its operation.

To find out if we have a gas leak in the air conditioning we must first know what causes such leakage effects in the operation of our equipment and then to repair it in case there is or can be repaired.First of all I would like to add that a malfunction is not always cause for a leak. In most cases always you tend to think of a possible lack of gas, but it is not always the case.

Causes and Repair of a Gas Leak

To ensure that a team has a gas leak and no other fault by gauges must be connected to the corresponding service valves to verify that indeed is a loss in your ac repair. Also make sure, if gas loss is minimal and incomplete, that the team was not fully charged and settled with lack of gas.If we are clear about this and effectively, as your tools, everything points to a gas leak, now it’s looking for a repair.

To find a leak we need to know what points of our machine air conditioning are more prone to this fault.

Service valves and connections of the indoor unit is the first thing we look, as they are the most frequent points where a leak can occur.Normally due to a fault in the installation or manufacturing defect found in some of the nuts.To see if there is a leak we can do a little soapy water and apply to the area with a brush or small brush, if there is a gas leak small air bubbles in the soap will be observed.Sometimes, depending on the size of the leak and the position of the machine, which usually leave a little compressor oil, so if we see an oil slick in one of the safest connections is that there is leakage (this most frequently occurs in the outdoor unit).


External Welding: They are the welds made by the installer for various reasons. For example in a pre-installation for pipes extend a few meters to arrive to the unit.

To see if there is any leakage we can repeat the previous step by applying soapy water.

Internal welds: They are the welds inside the units. Of these there may be hundreds of them in a unit, so that a gas leak within a unit could become an ordeal (depending on the magnitude of the leak).

These leaks are either caused by a fault in the equipment manufacturing or are also caused by vibration. Over time, if for any reason there is a weakened welding; with the same performance vibration can lead to trigger an internal leak.

To search for such leaks is advisable to have a leak detector (see picture), as they usually are tiny leaks and having so many welds is quite complicated to find them.

Defective pipes:  This case usually occurs rarely but usually happens. For any manufacturing fault it may come a defective pipe, such as copper is weaker in some areas. This time and with the passage of high pressure refrigerant can result in a gas leak. You should also keep eye one environment and green friendly living.

The main drawback of these leaks is that often, especially in pre-installations, the pipes are tucked inside the wall, so finding the leak can be an impossible task. In many cases when it is detected that the pipe is causing the problem, choose to put a new installation.

Once you get here you know some causes of why an air conditioner loses gas. Now we must see how we can tell if a leak is internal or external by performing a few simple steps.

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Matthew Okafor