How to Create a Bedroom You and Your Child will Love

Your child’s bedroom is their oasis from the world. You want it to feel like it is their special place, but you also need it to be functional. There has to be enough storage, it must be organized, and you will want it to be safe.

Allow your child to help with the decorating. If they get to choose their favorite colors, their own bedding, and a theme that reflects their interests, they will be more likely to enjoy the room. This could make bedtime go smoother, and children gain self-esteem when their opinions are taken into consideration.

Make the bed comfortable. The bed should be age appropriate. Infants and babies will need cribs, but older children find toddler beds to be exciting and fun. Later on a twin size bed can be introduced. Dress the bed with character sheets and comforters or linens in their favorite color. Provide a soft pillow for children who are old enough.

Your local home improvement stores offer plenty of excellent storage solutions for a child’s room. Racks with specially designed bins are perfect for small toys such as building blocks and train sets. Toy chests can hold larger items like dolls or toy cars and trucks. These pieces are easy for little ones to handle which makes learning to clean up an easier task.

Provide spaces where children can be creative. A child size easel and art supplies can be tucked into a corner. Small table and chair sets are perfect for building and coloring. Even a beanbag chair can serve a useful purpose. They are excellent for cuddling on while reading a favorite book with Mom or Dad.

Safety can often be overlooked while planning how to decorate a kid’s room. Make sure that there are covers over all outlets. Chests of drawers and shelving units need to be securely attached to the wall to avoid toppling over onto the child. A smoke detector should be nearby, and an escape plan needs to be put in place. Second story rooms should have an emergency escape ladder like those found at

When your child’s room is complete, they will have a special place they can call their own. You will enjoy the organization and safety features while they will love having their favorite things surrounding them.

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Matthew Okafor