Making your garden more multifunctional

Every British garden has to withstand the many different seasons we get over the course of the year, and with that we have to prepared for the unexpected! Therefore, it’s best to make your garden adaptable to any weather scenario so that we can still enjoy the outdoors as much as possible.

During the Autumn months, we get to enjoy Halloween, Bonfire Night and all the fireworks with them. A good way of using any spare pots in the garden is to make it into a fire pit! Or put tea lights inside smaller pots to create the dewy warm orange glow which could add a little more atmosphere to the garden.

Spring is often the time that most people have a giant clear out and thin out all that extra clutter, like that old broken dresser which has been sat wilting upstairs with no purpose anymore. It’s a great idea to turn any pieces of furniture you have which are now disused or looking too old to be nice, into a piece of furniture for the garden! That old dresser could quickly be turned into a swanky new potting bench for the whole family to use.

Potting benches are great for communal gardening as kids can get involved without it being too dangerous as now you have somewhere to hang all the gardening tools, and for anyone who is done squatting over potting this could be a great solution for you!

The same could be true for an old toy box, once children have grown out of toys, there is little need to store them! You could take the box outside and fill it with compost and make it into a flower bed, or another option could be to turn it into an outdoor storage box for gardening equipment. This will protect the equipment from any damaging weather conditions.

Your creativity could be stretched even further if you have any old sinks or bathtubs as these could be put outside and become a new feature for your garden. With climbers and brightly coloured flowers in a bathtub, your garden could begin to feel like a magical secret garden. The sinks could be turned into either a beautiful bird bath or again another place to put your flowers.

Realistically, it depends on how creative you can be with anything you can find as gardens are most enjoyable when they are interesting and have secret surprises. Challenge yourselves or your kids this summer to make your garden one to remember!

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Matthew Okafor