Why Use Pressure-Treated Lumber for your Outdoor Deck

When carrying out a deck project, there are many things to take into account including the type of materials to use. Conventional lumber like cedar and redwood is a popular choice. You can also find pressure treated lumber of all types along with different composite materials which blend organic materials with polymers and plastics for a surface that is more resistant to age. In this post, we focus on the qualities of pressure-treated lumber and how it can contribute to the success of your project.

What is Pressure-Treated Lumber

An outdoor deck requires the use of lumber that is resistant to weather and insects. Cedar and Redwood are the most common kinds of natural lumber. However, even these lumber may decay and rot over the years. In order to circumvent this issue, a pressure-treatment process is carried out that involves infusion anti-aging and anti-insect properties into the wood.

The process is done by placing the wood in a depressurized tank or cylinder into which a special preservative is pumped. There are agency-approved chemicals for use in pressure-treated lumber including alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ).

Benefits of Pressure-Treated Lumber

  • Resistance from the elements. Preservatives used in the treatment process come with anti-insect and anti-fungal properties for a deeper penetration into the wood’s fiber and grains. This protects the wood inside and outside. Often, outdoor decks made with pressure-treated lumber can last up to 20 years when properly maintained. This competes with the lifespan of a deck made from high-quality composite materials.

  • Natural look. Composite materials are not quite impressive in terms of appearance. Although high-quality composite materials mimic natural wood, there are some varieties that can be spotted easily. A lot of homeowners prefer pressure-treated lumber such as rough cedar lumber as it retains an impressive and natural look despite the rigorous treatment process it went through.
  • Reasonable cost. Contemporary composite materials can be costly and push you to spend more than what you have originally planned. And because it’s possible to pressure-treat any kind of lumber, you can find suitable varieties. Pressure-treated lumber comes with a reasonable price tag.

As you decide to carry out an outdoor deck project, ensure it is done right. Picking the right material and consulting with a qualified specialist is necessary for the success of your project. Using pressure-treated lumber comes with many benefits and being aware of these helps you make an informed decision.

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Matthew Okafor